
Maxum Stern Drive 1995 Owner Manual

1. Any Implied warranty 01 merchantability Is limited to the duration of this written warranty.

2. Neither Maxum nor the Sailing Dealer shall have any responsibility for of use of the boat, loss of time, Inconvenience, commercial 10.. or consequential damages.

3, Some states do not allow limitations on how long any Implied warranty lasts. so the above limitation may not apply to you, Some states do not allow the exclusion or

limitation of Incidental or consequential damages, so Ihe above limitation or exclusion may nol apply to you, This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from stale to state,
Your Obligation

In order to comply with Federal regulations, It Is ungentle that your warranty registration card be submitted within 30 days of delivery of your boat. Return 01 thl, card Is a condition precedent to warranty coverage. Before Any warranty work Is performed, we require that you contact your Sailing Dealer to request warranty assistance.

We require that you return your boat, at your expense, to your Sailing Dealer or, If necessary, to the Maxum factory. You will be responsible for all transportable, haul outs and other expenses Incurred In returning the boat for warranty service.

Your boat’s mechanical and electrical systems were designed to meet safety standards in effect at the time the boat was buill. Some of these standards were mandated by Federal law, others are considered industry norms. All of them were designed to insure your safety, and the safety of other people, vessels and property around you. To maintain the Integrity and safety of your boat, only qualified people should perform maintenance on, or In any way modify, the steering, propulsion, engine control, fuel, environmental control, or electrical systems. Failure to maintain these systems as designed could violate Federal law, and could expose you and other people to the danger of bodily injury or accidental death. We recommend that you follow the instructions provided in this handbook, in the engine owner’s manual, and in the accessory instruction sheets included with your boat, engine and trailer package. We also recommend that you perform the following steps:

1.Mfll~e certain that you receive a full explanation of all systems from the dealer before taking delivery of your boat. Your selling dealer is your key to service, If you experience any problems with your new Maxum, immediately contact the dealership. If for any reason your selling dealer is unable to help, call us direct on our customer service holline for assistance, The number is (206) 435-8957,

2. Read this manual thoroughly, paying particular attention to the subjects of fueling, checking for fumes, starting, carbon monoxide, loading limits, recommendations for safety, and warranty.
3. Practice–all members of the family should be familiar with the operation and systems of your boat.

4. Participate In a safe boating course. Call the local office of the United States Power Squadrons, the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, The Red Cross, or your state boating law enforcement agency for the date and location of their next class. Inquires can be made to the Boating Safety Hotline, 1-800-368·5647 or to the Boat U,S, Foundation information number 1·800·336·BOA1.
ABEAM To one side of a vessel, at a right angle to the fore-and-aft line
Near or at the stern.
BEAM: The width of the hull,
BILGE: The lowest portion inside a boat (in a fiberglass boat, generally the underdeck and lower portion of the engine compartment)
BOW: The forward por1ion of tile boat.

The hazard warning symbols shown below are used throughout this manual to call attention to potentially dangerous situations which could lead to either personal injury or product darnaqe, We urge you to read these warnings carefully and follow all safely recommendations,
CHINE The intersection of the side and bottom of a V-bottom boat.
DllIIF:-r Vertical distance from the waterline of the boat to the lowest point of the boat.


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