
HP motor racing, Türnitz, A

What a spectacle! HP2 Enduro rider Simo Kirssi enthralled the Austrian offroad world last Sunday. At the fourth race of the BABOONS Austrian Cross Country Championship in Türnitz/Lower Austria, the Finn simply set new standards.

HP2 Enduro rider Simo Kirssi

Offroad only: the track consisted of 5% cross and 95% country. What a scenario. The approx. 5 km long Enduro world cup level course is probably the most demanding track to ride in the cross country series in Germany, Austria and Italy. Steep and narrow forest uphills, bristling with damp and moss-covered stones which simply beg riders for a fall. Similar style downhills loaded with winding tree roots are a nightmare for every front wheel.

HP motor racing, Türnitz

Kirssi said after having walked the course: "This is almost unrideable on the HP2. We´ve got two wide cylinders and about 60 kg more weight onboard than the single cylinder competition. In some places grooves will be dug out which almost reach up to the seat bench."

Kirssi Türnitz, A

Nevertheless "Coolman" Kirssi launched his attack on the leading group starting from 10. place as if the race would only last one round. Kirssi wove his way through tightly winding forest paths as if doing a slalom race. And it was truly thrilling what the crowd witnessed on this day. In 3. gear Kirssi milled a 100 m long strip into a steep forest incline which would have done any lumberjack proud. The spectators were absolutely stunned. Kirssi: "It´s amazing when you´re able to call up enough power in practically all riding situations at any time and that this power is transferred to the rear wheel in just the right amount. The new Conti damping is simply unbeatable in this respect."

Simo Kirssi HP2

The crowd caught its breath in the 12. round when Kirssi´s rear wheel drifted out of control when crossing a loamy hill and Kirssi and his bike slid down 10 m into a brook-bed. Once at the bottom though the Finn picked his bike up again and rode along the bed of the brook for about 100 m until he got back on the track.

his artistic contribution was also one of the reasons why Kirssi was awarded a special prize by the organiser for the most spectacular stunt. After 2 hours and a total of 15 rounds Simo Kirssi and the HP2 ended up in a fantastic ninth place. What a show by man and machine! Nobody would have thought it possible that they would even have managed one round.

More information and result lists at: www.austrian-cross-country-championship.com.


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